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Selamat pagi. #Repost @secrets2success with @repostapp ・・・ Correct @6zerostatus ! 💥✔️ Whether you're jogging at 5:30am like Jack Dorsey, or reading for 80% of your day like Warren Buffett, your routine is the most important asset in determining your success. Picture yourself five years from now, where do you want to be? Is what you are doing on a daily basis going to make you end up there? For most of us, the answer is no. It's time to make a change. Change your routine to get you where you want to be in the future. Maybe you have to start waking up earlier, exercising more, reading actively, whatever it may be! The best thing you can do is start to study the routines of successful people. Pick apart what they do and choose the activities that best suit your dream and more importantly, implement them into your lifestyle! Double tap if you agree! Courtesy of @6zerostatus via Instagram

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